Leading Partners in Industry

100% Reliable Service and Support +
Latest Technology - Worldwide.

Icon Pro Icon Pro UNDERSTANDUse-Case

Understand Use-Case

Only a deep understanding of the use-case including its technical and economical aspects leads to reliable success of a transformation project. Our production experts define and quantify the goals with you and define a roadmap.
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Icon Pro Icon Pro EVALUATEPotential

EVALUATE Potential

It is crucial to evaluate the potential of a use-case before investing into larger development projects. With our production domain expertise and a rapid proof of concept we predict the return of invest as early as possible.
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Icon Pro Icon Pro IMPLEMENTOptimization

IMPLEMENT Optimization

Only in case of a positive proof of concept we implement the use-case optimization with you. Based on an installation or adaptions of our ready-to-use software solutions this is done in the most cost-efficient manner.
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Icon Pro Icon Pro CONTROLImprovements

CONTROL Improvements

Use-case optimizations have to be sustainable and resilient for mid- or long-term benefits. With our software products you are able to trigger and monitor improvements easily. In service projects, we always accompany a long validation phase.
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We partner with our customers

IconPro AI Solutions are trusted by

Focus on Actual Stakeholders

We meet the needs of the shopfloor
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Process Engineers
Icon Pro

Process Engineers

Complex production processes possibly involving many steps with many influences and tough quality requirements are challenging. With IconPro you analyze process data easily to derive process improvements for engineering quickly or even predict and optimize in-process!

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Production/Quality Manager
Icon Pro

Production/Quality Manager

A stable and cost-efficient production and a reliable product quality with low call-back risks are keys to success. With IconPro you get a leading software solution for finding and eliminating root-causes for quality issues, reducing quality assurance costs and minimizing scrap.

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Intuitive and easy-to-understand live dashboards show the best operation and maintenance settings based on historical data. Now your teams can repeat your best work time and time again. Implementing improved compliance and productivity has never been easier.

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Data Scientists / Software Engineers
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Data Scientists / Software Engineers

Multiply your efficiency. IconPro simplifies the preprocessing of data as well as extensive and time-consuming machine learning analyses. You can easily deploy, manage and share prediction and optimization models and integrate them into any other software and workflow.

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Our team will be happy to help you. Get in touch!